I tell stories that get people to care about science and each other.

Featured Work

The Science Behind That Fresh Rain Smell

Scientists have known for decades that one of the main causes of the smell of fresh rain is geosmin: a chemical compound produced by soil-dwelling bacteria. But why do the bacteria make it in the first place? 

I was a guest on this episode of NPR’s daily science podcast, Short Wave, which I also reported and pitched.

Menopause Can Start Younger Than You Think

The early signs of menopause are unknown to many of the people who experience them. According to experts, even most gynecologists aren’t educated on a stage of life that affects half of the world’s population.

I pitched and reported this article for NPR’s health section, Shots. It received over half a million page views in the first week after publication.

I Would’ve Let You Die, Too

While Andrea Rubin lay unconscious after being horrifically burned in a car fire, her family and friends fought with doctors over whether or not Andrea would want to be kept alive. What happens when patient care law and ethics clash at the bedside?

This is the first episode of a 10-episode series that I lead produced. Playing god? is a coproduction of Pushkin Industries and the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.